• Many athletes have pre-game rituals so why can’t authors have pre-writing session rituals, too? I certainly do. My first ritual (technically, it’s third if you count the first as coffee and the second as settling my four-legged writing companions into their beds . . . more on them in a future post) is to set…

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  • My upcoming novel, An Irish Miracle, spans over a half a century and two countries. With all the strife in the real world today, the stories in it offer a respite, a brief glimpse of simpler times and simpler places. Born in 1945, life for twin boys on an Ohio family farm is filled with…

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  • One of the most common questions asked of authors is “Where do you get the ideas for your stories?” If someone would ask me that question, I might risk getting their eyes rolled at me and answer “from my thoughts” or even more briefly “everywhere” . . . but there are a couple of tricks…

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  • Hello, World

    Readers and writers, welcome to Rob Mahan Books! I’m Rob and I’m an emerging author. Perhaps you are, too. Or maybe you’re a reader who loves to discover first-time authors or a reader who just loves a good book. In any case, we need to talk. After almost two years of work, my first novel…

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